MOOD MK2 MIDI Controller
This is a Max for Live Device to MIDI control the Chase Bliss MOOD MK2 Pedal.
I put all the MIDI control from the manual into this device. Basically you can control any of the parameters, automate it inside Ableton Live, sync to external/Ableton Live's clock, and save and recall up to 122 presets.
This was part of my study on Max/MSP. I was studying/researching on Max For Live device built by Chase Bliss for the Generation Loss MK2 Pedal. Since there's no M4L device for the MOOD MK2 yet, so I thought hmm maybe i can learn more about it by creating one, referencing from the Gen-Loss M4L.
So here it is. I've tested all the parameter control and its working fine. It's been a great learning experience for me, and would like to share this device to all of you, hopefully it can be useful and inspiring for your creative process.
Max for Live MIDI Controller for Chase Bliss Mood MK2